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CougarКорпус Cougar MX600 RGB ATX Full Tower, 4 предустановленных вентилятора ARGB, синхронизация RGB с материнской платой, 9x максимальное количество венти
MX600 RGB Be The Storm Experience a perfect storm of cooling features with full ventilation, strategic filtering and targeted convection guidance. The MX600 RGB raises the bar for compact design: a future-proofed full-tower capacity, versatile GPU orientation, streamlines setup, and efficient cable management… all with just a mid-tower footprint. <span style="font-size:0 1221712217RUB12217RUB

Корпус Cougar MX600 RGB ATX Full Tower, 4 предустановленных вентилятора ARGB, синхронизация RGB с материнской платой, 9x максимальное количество венти в Новокуйбышевске
Код товара: 019355f0-4b3b-3d3a-0ff2-72b328048fb6
MX600 RGB Be The Storm Experience a perfect storm of cooling features with full ventilation, strategic filtering and targeted convection guidance. The MX600 RGB raises the bar for compact design: a future-proofed full-tower capacity, versatile GPU orientation, streamlines setup, and efficient cable management… all with just a mid-tower footprint.
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